Interview with Alex (french label and zine Cynfeirdd)
neofolk & everything
1. First number of
Сynfeirdd magazine came out in 1996, could you tell me how it began?
At this time I was student and was
listening to music for almost ten years, my tastes originated from The Cure,
Sisters of Mercy, Joy Division, to French Cold Wave and were now orientating to
stuff like TMLHBAC, Sol Invictus, Rosa+Crux and these kind of stuff. I was
buying and reading all kind of fanzines I can get dealing with these music,
because it was the only way to learn aboyt these bands, totally ignored by the
main stream musical mags. But these fanzines were mostly “gothic” oriented, and
most of the time were only publishing two or tree issues before disappearing, so
I decided to write my own fanzine to spread the word about the music I liked...
I then send letters to the bands I was already in touch with as listener and the
adventure started!
2. How can you describe
the officials attitude to neofolk in France? Were there any problems with the
concerts or anything else? Have you ever organized concerts yourself?
Official attitude to neofolk ? There is no official attitude, there are only few
peoples aware of this music, probably few thousand, and less again really
interested in! Most of these peoples like the music and don’t care about the
rest, and maybe 10% are only considering neofolk as a “danger” and probably
don’t care about the music, just like people saying that heavy metal is evil
There are sometimes some problems with the concerts, mostly originating from
these few peoples that think it’s better to forbid “dangerous gigs” than letting
audience judge by itself. I organized few gigs, once it was Das Ich, I lost
quite a lot of money, and then Death In June / Der Blutharsch / Non, it was a
nice evening back in 1998, but I wouldn’t do it again today, there was too many
unfair people...
3. I guess, you saw
lots of different concerts in your life. Could you tell me which of group
performances you liked the most and why?
You’re right I’ve seen quite a lot of gigs, probably about 400 now, and my
favorites bands on stage will surely surprise you: New Model Army, because they
are so powerful on stage, and still fighting for their ideas 25 years later, and
The Nits, a Dutch band completely mad on stage, very funny and doing the most
surprising live versions of their songs than any other band. Also I keep some
strong feeeling of concerts of TMLHBAC, The Revolutionnary Army of the Infant
Jesus and The Cure...
4. Neofolk-fans in
France – what kind of people are they? Are they interested in politics?
I just don’t know, I can only answer for people I really know, I think that
every people is interested in politic a day or the other, but for myself this is
not an everyday occupation, you can have an opinion about something that happen
that is politicaly oriented, but not a “political way of life”, except being a
politician, that is probably the worst carrier someone could expect. The people
I know have political interest but nothing linked with the music they listen to...
imagine a world where all people listening to a style of music will vote for a
political party ? It’s nonsense, just as to say that every people listening to
Reggae want to live in Jamaica!
5. You live in
Hardricourt, could you tell about this place?
It’ a 3000 inhabitants village, 40 kilometers from Paris, I have the luck to
live surrounded by trees and fields, that is not that frequent so close to the
French capital.
6. We know quite little
about neo-paganists in France, have you ever contacted with them? Which
neo-pagan tendencies are the most common – Wicca, Druidism,
maybe Wodan cults? Your attitude to such people?
To be honnest this is a mystery to me, the only contact I had with French
paganist was three years ago as some injurious email, telling me I was not a
“real pagan” and also “nazi-like”, for sure I’m not a real pagan, and never
stated I was, I think I’m a real agnostic and I’m sure I’m not a nazi... anyway
these emails were obviously anonymous, but as nothing is never really anonymous
with internet this blackbird never talk again when I send him a fair email in
its professional mailbox...
7. Have you ever
visited the ruins of Le Chateau Montsegur? If yes, could you describe your
feelings and your impressions?
Unfortunately I never went there, you should ask to Gae Bolg’s Eric to know more
about this place!
8. It seems to me that
you listen to a lot of French neofolk/industrial/darkwave groups, so, are there
among young musicians people whom you can call “the finding of this year”?
There are really few French neofolk bands, if there are... but I had the chance
to listen to some to be released material from Lonsai Maikov and Dissonant
Elephant and these will be great surprises!
9. How can you describe
the Europeans attitude to the music groups from Eastern Europe and from Russia,
who use their native language? Is it a big problem for their popularity in
I don’t think so, Eastern Europe languages sounds exotic and nice to French ears!
Bands loke Romowe Rikoito, Fleur or Caprice are really welcome there.
10. What d’you think if
there’s some characteristic features, which unite singers & groups came out on
your label?
There is obviously one, the fact that I like their music! But appart of this I
cannot see what could linked together pagan Portugeses, Norvegian neoclassic,
English folk, Italian pop-folk, apart their love for music...
About politics
1. Do you usually take
part in elections like voter? If yes, which party did you vote for last
For sure I always took part to election, this is a duty when you are lucky
enough for living in a democratic republic! This is really rare in France when
someone tell you for which party he voted, except within the family.. but I have
no shame I voted for the actual president. This could seems strange for people
that have been ruled for 50 years by communism but I feel as a utopian communist,
but seeing the “russian experience” I definitely think this is not a reliable
way of life, so I vote for “social – economic freedom” that seeing nowadays
riots in France seems to be not more reliable... I defintely think that politic
is not a way of living... this is only an aim in itself for politicians!
2. Could you describe
your first reaction heard about the 11 of September in New York?
I was at my office desk this day, and my colleagues call me to go down to the TV
room saying there was “something happening in NY”... we were totally amazed and
3. Did you take part in
demonstrations against the war in Iraq?
No, because I always fear to be manipulated by something else that one can think,
for sure I’m against the war in Iraq, as everywhere else obviously, but I don’t
want that my hate of war could be use by someone else in a way I wont’
4. What do you think
about an influx of emigrants from Asia and Africa?
There are some immigrants in France for decades, and this is only the result of
colonialism, that was probably the worst idea of 19th century. Colonialism and
missionaries are the shame of Old europe... But it’s true that actual
immigration is a problem with the economic crisis we’re experiences. For years
we have been able to employed these peoples, but know there is no more work and
they still see europe as a solution, and moreover there are some ugly persons
earning money by organizing journey for these future clandestine immigrants.
5. How strong is the
negative attitude of common French people to emigrants, your opinion? And Did
you read "The Rage and the Pride”? - It’s a book of Italian journalist Oriana
I didn’t read, nor heard of this book, and regarding the attitude of French
about immigrants I think it depends of their own condition, of the circumstances,
of their education... if you live in a dormitory town, have no work and have to
support riots at nights, said being mostly done by immigrated population, you
could not like them at all...
6. There’s a new book,
came out in Russia this year by Helena Chudinova “Mosque of Notre Damme de Paris”.
It describes the struggle between French Opposition and Catholic-
traditionalists with Muslims, occupied all France and almost all Europe.
According to the author’s opinion, it’ll happen in 20 years. What do you think,
how much fantastic there are in such stories?
I nor heard about this book, but It’s clear to me that next war as almost all
wars in History will be lead by religions. If I could change one thing in the
Human History I would make that no religion never appeared, they are the cause
of almost human crises, and worst of the religion is the organisation of
religions, all these peoples that through the centuries used the faith (most of
the time given by force) to bring them more power, more money, more slaves...
7. By the way, it very
interesting, if such book could come out in France and be written by French
woman? Or is it impossible because of the reasons of political correctness in
your society?
I think almost everything is possible in France nowadays, or at least this is
the feeling I have, both good and bad thinkgs... There are lot of chance that a
book like this could be published, but alos that almost no-one will know about
8. In the struggle
against terrorism when Christianity looks like decoration, and Catholic Churches
are just sights for tourists, the European democracy is losing its positions… do
you see the real exit-way from this situation? Do you want anything to change?
As I told before, I wish that people understand that Humanity is the only way,
you born, you die, try to get the best of this time for you and the others! My
dream would be to create a new form of society, don’t ask me how it would work,
because I just don’t know, it took thousand of years to arrive where we are, it
will probably took more hundreds to change...
9. What do you think if
it's possible for French people to wake up in muslim country one day?
No, I don't think so, even if christian faith is less important that it use to
be in France (and almost in every old countries) it is so linked to our way of
life that french people won't be able to live in a muslim way of life, so this
should never happen, even if a new religion war was the price to pay...
10. Many people say
nowdays that France doesn't belong to French any more, what's your opinion about
I think this is stupid, first of all I have to say that you don't need to be
white skined to be French, all the people coming from ancient colonies or
that came 50 years ago from Spain or Italy, when France was in need of working
arms are as French as one could be. The problem is mostly with newcomers,
dreaming of France as a promised land and arriving in a country where there is
not enough work, not enough flats, and not enough money to heal everyone... I
think France is as French as Germany is German in spite of the important Turkish
population they have.
11. Can you name the
positive and negative aspects of Europe unification?
I’m reallly happy to be able to travel freely in Europe, to pay with Euro
everywhere, but these are economic things. According to me EU should only be
that, we don’t need to have all the same bread size, the same colour for this or
that, each country has its own culture, its own past, don’t need to artificially
change that, I want my children to eat some snails, and I don’t want that Korean
stop eat dogs because we don’t, this is the variety of the world!
by Wolfsblood
© 2005 translation by Flora
Copyright ©2005 Seidr webzine