The interview with
Francesca Nicoli (Ataraxia),
having been taken on 21
of April 2002
The first question is about your name – Ataraxia. As far as I know, the philosophic term ataraxia means the “serenity of the wise man”, in some sort – the specific state of human’s spirit - in the Epicurean school’s tradition, - and also – the part of ideal three-parted cosmic harmony. How is this cultural context connected with your musical works? How the culture of ancient Greece, the minstrels’ and the troubadours’ songs seem you to be joint with some modern ontological features, what is your own way of realizing it?
The name was chosen long time ago and it has two meanings: the first points to the immanence of the spirit and the mind, and Ataraxia is a complete lack of motions, no negative senses. In that period at the beginning of the band there was doubt. After it we discovered step by step to fit the second meaning, that is not only Epicurean, but also can be found in the Stoics’ doctrine. That means a sort of overcoming of emotions, of senses in the positive way, which is to get a sort of balance of positiveness and the spiritual balance to forelife and also overlife. This is the state, that is not possible to be reached by human beings, because it’s the state of perfection, which is not typical for these ones. That’s something, which can be found in the art and the music. So, for us “Ataraxia” means simply a chance to get the true music, the state of peace, balance and wisdom. It’s actual, but difficult to be reached, to pursue the true music and catch some moments, some instance of that. It’s the real potency - we try together to reach the states, which we know about they will never be reached.How should you describe, in short, the unity of powers, concepts, emotions, being found out in your verses? Is there any main idea, which is the same for every of your lyrics?
I guess, there’re two kinds of lyrics and two kinds of seeing. We have done many thematic concepts, albums and other concepts, they were inspired by the will (in particular, I talk of visual and written lyrics), by voyages, experience – not only physical, but also mental – my way of writing is not directly a consequence of debt. I write for images, there is a lot of them in my mind, - so, I imagine colors, situations, and it do is quite difficult to be understood, ‘cause I don’t write in a simple way, but in some sort in a creative way. Everybody could give his own connotations for it, have his own sensations and find subjective perspective, opinion on our works and feelings.You lyrics, are they based on some literary school’s tradition?.. For some of them may be considered to be similar to few creative methods, which belong to the period since the last quarter of XIX till the middle of XX century, such as neoromantism, English modernism and others.
Do you follow in the main any of them?Francesca:
Oh, I don’t follow any style. However, I like many genres of literature and art. I started from the beginning – the mediaeval literature, and in some lyrics there’s rewriting of the tradition. The verses are not written only in Italian, but also in Latin; not only in contemporary languages, but also ancient.Who’re your favorite authors, actors? Who of them could have made influence unto you and your understanding of reality’s causation, the world-outlook?
I’m moved on and deeply stricken by what I see, either by architecture, paintings and writings. In the literature I’ve been influenced by Virginia Wolf, the contemporary English novelist. She wrote of things, following not in the sequence, there are placed in the row of remembrances, the one situation reminds us of the other, the next one talks of quite different state, you go backwards, forwards, up and down, - it’s in some sort a circle of ideas and thoughts. Then, I became keen on mediaeval poetry, but again, not only Italian, but also French, the songs of troubadours…Maybe, vagants?..
Yes, and vagants’ poetry too. And I’m fond of many romantic poets, French and English: Merime, Bodler, De Lamartin, and also Byron, Shelley. and I like oriental stories, for example “1001 stories”, which tells of a wife, who had been narrating stories to vizier not for to have her head cut off till their number was past one thousand. It’s very typical flowery, imaginary way of writing the oriental stories, filled with colors, nature and things, reproducing nature.Have you listened to any of Russian neofolk bands?
No, I don’t know Russian ones in particular, but I’ve listened to the bands from the Eastern Europe, I saw some of them at the festival, that took place in Leipzig, most part of them are linked not to the gothic, more to the folk. I appreciated the research into their counties’ history, that they did, and all of them managed to play the instruments, which are not of our, Mediterranean tradition and sound very different and very fascinating. And I like this act of taking the ethnic instruments and transforming the ancient into something new with using them, something, intended not to forget the past and to let the young ones understand the ancient roots through the modern values, the intermingling of the past and the future.You sing a lot in languages, which are not native to your. What is your own attitude towards this problem – the singing in non-native languages? Could the neofolk band, which is absorbed in the research of the days of yore, do so?
Yes, it’s what we do. And I think, if you feel, that it’s possible, you could do so. I don’t like the following some standards: everything in English or in my native language. I like the spell and the sound of different languages. European languages have the same genesis, the common roots. And it’s good to do research and to transforms the words of different tongues and traditions into music. I like to explore and to change. I strive for style’s being not monolithic, but open-minded. So, this kind of linguistic research in music is very good for me.As far as I know, you’ve been to Castle Party. Have you listened there to the band from Russia (Koenigsberg), Romowe Rikoito. What do you think of them?
I remember one Russian bands, they played classical instruments. If I remember well, they were linked a bit to the classical music, but I doubt, ‘cause I cannot say it with confidence. You have a great culture of operatic music. I appreciated such classical melodies and their approach to the national cultural tradition, they’re cultivated, but very natural.The traditions, which you revive
in your songs, do are ancient.
Don’t you fear of their being too far from what the modern man is able to
Francesca: I don’t think so, because we don’t bring ancient songs here as they are, in their primordial state. We transform them. The majority of our songs is not actually traditional, however we carried them from the past and revive traditions ourselves. In our works you can hear the modern instrument and find out the modern approach to what is tradition as we understand it. It’s important to filtrate the material we get from the days of yore for to make them actual in the context of modern time and conditions of life, we’re not the people from the Middle Ages and we must head for nowadays features.
Is your music only to show,
half-open the door,
which some mystery lies beyond, or something more?
Francesca: Our
music is not just to show something, it creates a dark power, yes, it’s very
mighty medium and not material, for it lies mid the all, mid the feelings, the
thoughts. You’re able to reproduce through the music the magical combinations
of numbers, to deeply strike the human senses , the music changes the mood and
even the life of a person. I saw the people, who were in terrible psychological
situations, and they improved in that state, managed to go over this collisions
through the music. The ancients told, that the musician is only a God’s mean,
which is used to reproduce His voice, and we believe, that we are acting the
same parts: we think, we express the energy we carry from out, reproducing it
unto the listeners, and they retranslate it again to us.
So , we want to improve something, not just to show.
Can you describe, what part of
your music enkindles the ancient tradition’s fire in peoples’ hears,
what drives it further and liven up?
Francesca: I
think, the classic guitar is a great power and a great mean. It gives us chance
to transform musically the tradition into something contemporary.
And lets talk of the stone and the water, the two inspirations, which are most
important for us. I think, we’re able to transform the ancient stone and the
power of water into something, that can improve our soul. I suppose the ancient
stone to be a great power, for it’s historic power. The man drops the naked
stone and transforms it into something valuable. This happened at the building
of the cathedrals, for an instance. Many people born and passed away and put
their energy into the stone. We capture the power from the stone, the water and
transform it into music.
Can you say a few words for our
readers and for all Russian fans of such kind of music,
many of them ‘ve gathered here today?
Francesca: I’m surprised!.. It was difficult to get news from the countries, which are far from us, before Internet. I should say, that Italy and Russia are common in the music policy and in approach to the modern but classical way of expression of true music!..
So, thank you for this interview!..
We’re kneeling at your talent and your music and ask your only for…kissing
your hand!
Francesca (laughing): Sure!
© 2002 Interviewed by Wolffanger & Wolfsblood of SEIDR
Copyright ©2002 Seidr webzine