Interview with Anton Platov


Anton, please, tell us how did your Way to paganism begin, when did you feel interest to magic first time?

"Way to paganism" sounds a little bit high-flown, I think. And "interest to magic" is not quite a correct term. What you mean is not a question of interests, it is a question of perception that the world that is around you is magic and perceptions of integration into this magic. And it is not a specific of my private "way to paganism", it is common. Concerning the question of "when", this integration into magic I felt first – as many of wizards – at the age of about 14. It is in some way a critical moment when there are the significant changes in man, when he begins to realize many things, or, at the minimum, feel. That's why, by the way, first magic initiations accomplished exactly at that age – 14-15 years old.

Do you feel support of thousand-year tradition of forefathers? Do they answer you call?

The meaning of forefathers' cult in a sacral Tradition is far from being understood rightly in contemporary society. It is not so much worship and eulogy of concrete forefathers of concrete man (family, clan), as reference to some collective "agregor" (I'm sorry for a hackneyed term), made by all the forefathers. Ultimately, it is an absolutely concrete Force, capable of giving confidence and power. Do I feel its support? Yes, I do.

What is your attitude to "ancestral memory"? Have you got ancestral reminiscences?

I don't know what you mean exactly. Paganism – if to speak about paganism – is always faced to two sides simultaneously: to the past as to support and to the future as to the aim of work. That what refers to the past I have already expressed in the answer to the previous question.

Is it possible to speak about existence of "two Platovs" – of Scientist and Pagan?

No, you know, I don't suffer from split personality in the meanwhile. It is possible to speak of two different approaches to the studying and revival of sacral Tradition – scientific and magic. I hope that I really succeed in combining them.

Is there future about Slavic paganism in modern Russia?

In modern Russia it is hardly possible. But in future Russia – it will be without any doubt. It is worth mentioning that paganism is not folk shirts and not wild holidays of Maslenitsa or Koopala, but a special view on the World – on the World full of magic and Force. If Russia could accept such view on the World the country would be a powerful pagan Empire; but it will have already been another Russia.

Is it possible to speak about modern Slavic paganism as an integral organized system of beliefs?

No. Now paganism in Russia is neither an integral system nor organized, but, unfortunately, it is really a system of beliefs. Meanwhile a real sacral Tradition, a real paganism – it is first of all an absolutely definite type of vision of the World and absolutely definite type of contemplation in the World and only after that it is a system of religious beliefs. Otherwise, paganism firstly imply magic as a type of action and only then secondly – religious aspects of learning. Now in Russia paganism exists almost entirely as a religious and only few pagans really understand that pagan ideology is a guide to action and not a way to hide from life into religious dogma and not a way merely outlive some beautiful, interesting instants. However there are all reasons to suppose that this first phase introducing some chaotic "seething" comes to its end.

Which of the modern neopagan streams can you consider as like-minds?

In NEOpaganism – there is practically nobody. The term "neopaganism" itself is not correct, almost nobody use it and among them who use it... hardly.

If to speak about "mere paganism"… There are several communities whom we are collaborating with quite closely; several investigators with whom we divide some common views. Very often we work with those people who don't see any sense in calling themselves pagans, but at the same moment they live and think more traditional, more barbaric let's say, than many of formal pagans. Here I use the word "barbarian" not in its modern negative meaning, but as a sacral notion.

Do you use (or used) any substances in your practice which provoke ecstasy – for example mushrooms, mandrake, thorn-apple?

No, I don't. At least, at the present moment.

As far as we know, you travel a lot along Russia. Have you any favorite place or area you like, the so-called Place of the Force that impressed you in the strongest way? Had you any visions in such places or may be met any beings from immaterial world?

Favorite places… There are some, of course. Vishgorod-on-Yahrom, for example; the whole North of Moscow area - the so-called Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya glacial ridge. It is a very strong place that is rich with ancient temples and sacred stones. So, there are sanctuaries in steppes of the upper Don. And of course the North: the Chudskoe lake, the north Ladoga, the White sea.

Have you ever been in the Prussian sanctuary Romowe Rikoito?

Not yet.

Pagan music – how do you define this notion yourself? Do you know any pagan musicians?

   Quite simple. "Pagan music" is a music reproducing a pagan perception of the world. Strictly speaking, music in general is one of the most harmonic perceptions of paganism.
  Do I know any musicians? Yes, of course. There are not little groups and separate musicians who are entirely aware of what they are doing is paganism. There are much more those who produce (sometimes consciously, sometimes not) pagan motives, elements in their creation, though they don't call themselves pagans.

Are you going to republish your articles and books? When do next issue of "Myths and Magic of Indo-Europeans" release?

In the near future there must be republishing of my "Ways to Avallon" and "Graal", a new book – "Slavic Runes". There should be a small book about megaliths of Russia up to autumn and (at last) fundamental work "Magic Arts of Ancient Europe". A new 10th issue of "Myths and Magic" should be in summer and the next – in autumn.

Which of your books or articles do you consider the main in your investigations?

It is difficult to say. Each work touches some piece of Tradition and it is hardly possible to speak that this part is more important than that. In some sense the generalized work is "Magic Arts of Ancient Europe", but again it isn't the "main" book but it is the generalization of what had been done before and in addition new works. Possibly, partially "main" – at least in the present moment – may be considering "The Book About Old Magic" which I finish now and prepare to publishing. In the whole basic, "aim formed" ideas often sound more exact in some short (a kind of manifests) texts and articles mostly having "internal walking" as, for example, "The Code of Barbarian".

Sometimes to neopagan movements attach some organizations of nationalist sense. What is your attitude to such things? What is the reason of this?

   It is better to begin "with end". The reason is evident: pagan ideology is a great force, it brings a colossal potential of change of the World in itself. After pagan idea stands power, which haven't any other ideology on the present moment – neither communist, nor Christian, nor any other. That's why it is quite natural that some definite political forces try to use this ideology – uncertain yet, doubting, but any way… And concerning nationalists exactly – it is much more clear in that case because paganism always contains in itself some definite element of patriotism.
   Another case, what is my attitude to using pagan idea by nationalists. First af all, the tern "nationalism" seems to me extremely indefinite; so many different people use it now with sometimes absolutely opposite aims… Accordingly, my attitude to this phenomenon may be perfectly different.

What can you advice those who took interest in Slavic pagan tradition? Where can they apply to?

They may firstly look some information in Internet, but I must let you know beforehand that information, which is in Internet, is far from being objective, of course. There are significant amount of information and links on the site of House of Svarog, for instance  that little by little is turning now into Russian pagan portal. If you are interested in religious side of paganism I recommend apply to pagan community Rodolubie. If you are interested in magic side, a side of action - our The House of Ash is what you need; for that you may merely write to me ( However in any case I'll be glad to answer and prompt something to those people who are interested in it.

© 2001 interview by Shelley & Wolfsblood


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